Code Red

LET'S SIGN UP FOR CODE RED!                   

Benton County Emergency Management believes in keeping our citizens informed.  Therefore, we use Code Red to inform Benton County Residents of any natural disasters and significant events that may occur in your area. For example, when the Yakima River floods, we can send out a notification to all residents in the affected areas. There are various methods of contact for you to choose from (text, email, and/or phone call). You have the ability to add multiple contact numbers. This is helpful for residents who have multiple numbers (landline, cell, and/or business line) and those who would like to add their family's contact information to their account.

We encourage all of our Benton County residents to sign up for Code Red so that you are alerted when an emergency notification is issued in your area.  Please note, this is a free service to our residents. If you have any questions related to Code Red, please do not hesitate to call us! 

Stay Informed, text BCEM to 99411 or click on the link to sign up.